Sunday, July 19, 2009

Xin Jiang Riots

A riot had broke out between the Han Chinese and the Muslim Uighers due to Ethnic Disagreements. More than 600-800 people died due to the riots that were caused in the city of Urumqi. The causes of the riots were probably misunderstandings of each other's religons or disagreements with the two. Which eventually led to the killing of 800 innocent people. No one could be safe in the city of Urumqi as all the people were fighting one another. A man was helplessly walking down the street and unfortunately got beat up by some other men who were full of anger and despair for revenge. The riots could have been prevented if the paramilitary, who were reponsible for stopping and preventing the two groups from fighting, did their job. Instead of protecting them from fighting, they simply turned their heads the other way and ignored the importance of the job. If this situation would happen in Singapore, i would try my best not to get involved and leave the country. Why live a life full of anger and anger. As a wise man once said, live a life of despair, is living life blindly.

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