Friday, September 11, 2009

What does it mean to be singaporean?

To me, being a singaporean is being multi racial among other races. Understanding each other's differences, problems and living with it. Singapore is almost the only country with different races living with each other in peace. Unlike other countries, we have overcomed and learned from our past mistakes and live among other races. Being singaporean has taught me to understand people's cultures, diversity and way of people are living. It may be different but that's the  way they are living and we should have no problem with that but to learn from it. I am going to experience the national service soon, which a compulsory of 2 years in serving the army and many years after that. I think that would help make me a stronger and confident individual in the coming future. Who knows for what is to come, all we can do is prepare for it. If given a choice i would leave the shores of singapore, to experience more different cultures and diversity among the world. I have lived the United States before, in the beginning i did not like it because of my way of living of singapore was different. but i got used to it and lived among them. Experiencing Middle and High school was great a and i hope to experience college. I would like to pursue a degree in law and forensics. As i find both careers interesting and exciting. In the end i would also like pursue a degree in photography. I find it amazing how beautiful life is in a picture. Guess the saying is true, a picture does say a 1000 words.

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